Once you've paid off your loan or purchased your solar system outright, you'll be able to enjoy free energy. Even though you won't have to make any payments, you'll still receive a monthly utility bill. This will show the amount of energy you produced in comparison to the amount of energy you consumed during the month. The amount of energy you produce will depend on the size of your solar system and the amount of sunlight it receives.
If your solar system is large enough, it's possible that you'll produce more energy than you need. In this case, you can sell the excess energy back to your utility company. This is known as net metering and it can help offset your utility bill. When it comes to maintenance, solar panels require very little upkeep.
You'll need to clean them periodically to ensure they're receiving maximum sunlight, but other than that, they should last for decades with no additional maintenance. This makes them a great long-term investment. Overall, once your solar panels are paid off, you'll be able to enjoy free energy and save money on your utility bills. You'll also be able to take advantage of net metering and sell excess energy back to your utility company.
Plus, solar panels require very little maintenance, so they're a great long-term investment.